Maintaining Wireless Signals

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How can I prevent service interruption when using wireless equipment?

Maintaining Wireless Signals

Although it is often more convenient to be without the mess of wire and cords, wireless equipment does have its problems on occasion. The biggest drawback to wireless equipment is the problems you may experience with maintaining a signal. There are things you can do, however, that will reduce the amount of signal interruption in your wireless equipment. First, you should try to keep the number of wireless network servers in one area to a minimum. The more servers around, the more “noise”, meaning there are too many signals in the air to perform flawlessly. Don't despair, as many machines can be configured to one server. Likewise, a remote can be universal and programmed to control many machines. A Logitech Harmony universal remote control has the ability to work on home entertainment systems and various other household machines, such as the security system or automatic curtains. The less signals in the house, the better your connections will be.



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